The controller of floppi - disk (FDCH 765 or 8272A) RS AT usually supports only eight possible lengths of the zone of data of sector, namely: 0 (128) byte, 1 (256 bytes), 2 (512 bytes), 3 (1024 bytes), 4 (2048 bytes), 5 (4096 bytes), 6 (8192 bytes) and 7 (16384 bytes). The overall length of sector, together with the heading and the bytes CHRCH, although has the dimension of angle, it is measured in the bytes, namely: length 0 corresponds to 190 bytes, 1 - 318, 2 - 574, 3 - 1086, 4 - 2110, 5 - 4150, 6 - 8254, 7 - 16446. The gaps/intervals between the adjacent sectors from the end of previous to the beginning following can take values from 1 to 255 (besides gap/interval from the last sector on the path/track to the first, which it can be any). DOS uses only length of sectors 2, however, on the paths/tracks can meet the sectors with another length precisely for the purpose of protection diskettes. Each sector has a heading (ID), which consists of four bytes (Ch, yu, r, n). Ch - the number of cylinder, Yu - the number of head, R - number of sector (counting from 1, in all remaining cases from 0), N - length of sector (0... 7). Have in the form that the heading ID is intended only for the identification of sector by controller, and completely it does not give representation about the true position of sector on the diskette and its parameters, i.e. sector with ID 7,0,124,4 can be arranged/located where conveniently, but not only on path/track 7,0. Moreover, Ch, yu, r, n can have any, including physically senseless values from 0 to 255. The true parameters of sector can completely not coincide with those indicated in the heading, which is used for purposes of protection. In this case occur some limitations, for example, sector the indicated in the identifier length of more than 7 cannot be correctly considered controller. Density writing - this is the parameter, which characterizes a maximally possible number of bits of the written down information on one path/track. It depends on the velocity of priyema/vydachi of information by controller and the rotational speed diskettes. Controller by hardware supports three velocities: 250, 300, 500 kbit/s. The rotational speed diskette in disk drives 5.25 " is 5 r/s for the disk drives to 360K and 6 r/s for the disk drives in Y.2M. the speed of rotation 3.5 " the diskette of always 5 r/s. Density writing is proportional to the ratio of the velocity of the output of information by controller to the angular rate of rotation diskettes. Thus, are possible 5 different values of density writing (value of 250/5 and 300/6 they coincide). In the window of preparation for DOS to format and Report file by them correspond to the recording/record Of losh (250/6), To double (250/5 or 300/6), medium (300/5), To yuigyu (500/6) and Tsuad (500/5). It is necessary to note that density writing Losh and Medium are not supported BIOS, but they can be used for the purpose of protection.