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Configuring MacTCP on a Macintosh* Connected to LocalTalk*

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Configuring MacTCP on a Macintosh* Connected to LocalTalk* (887160-PV96)

Product: FastPath 5 v1.0
3rd Party Product(s): MacTCP Release Date: Pending

This document is written for users who want to use a FastPath 5 and MacTCP to access an IP host from a LocalTalk network.

Note: If your Macintosh computer is attached to an Ethernet network, you can access an IP host using MacTCP without going through a FastPath 5. Ensure that you have a Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) or BootP server on the Ethernet network. You can also have the FastPath 5 serve IP addresses to Ethernet clients; see the FastPath 5 Administrator's Guide for more information on "IP Forwarding for EtherTalk*."

MacTCP is a software driver for the Macintosh Operating System. It implements the following Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocols:

* Internet Protocol (IP)
* Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
* User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
* Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
* Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP)
* Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
* Bootstrap Protocol (BootP)
* Domain-name resolver (DNR) that maps domain names to internet addresses. The DNR is compatible with domain-name server implementations that comply with U.S. government standards RFC 1034 and 1035.
MacTCP allows any number of applications to use the TCP/IP network services simultaneously. Once MacTCP is installed and configured by your network administrator, you may need to use the Administrator's dialog box to add additional configuration information.

Note: These notes assume that the network administrator has installed and configured MacTCP. For information on installing and configuring MacTCP, see your network administrator or refer to the documentation that came with the MacTCP software.

This document details how to use MacTCP on a Macintosh computer connected to a LocalTalk network. To use MacTCP for network communication, you need the following hardware and software:

* A Macintosh computer
* A FastPath 5 to act as a Datagram Delivery Protocol to Internet Protocol (DDP-IP) gateway. The FastPath 5 reads in TCP/IP packets encapsulated in the AppleTalk* protocol DDP and reformats them for Ethernet.
* MacTCP software

Configuring MacTCP
Your Macintosh computer should be on an AppleTalk network that uses LocalTalk cabling. The LocalTalk network is connected to Ethernet through a FastPath 5.

To configure MacTCP:

Open the MacTCP Control Panel by selecting the Control Panels command from the Apple* menu.
Double-click the MacTCP icon to open MacTCP.
Note: Your IP address may or may not be defined depending on how your network administrator
configured the MacTCP software.
The top half of the Control Panel displays all available TCP network levels over which the MacTCP
driver can run.
Note: Your Macintosh Network Control Panel must be set to LocalTalk for the LocalTalk icon to appear
under the MacTCP Control Panel.
Select the LocalTalk icon.
The pop-up menu beneath the icon displays your network zone.
Select the LocalTalk zone of the FastPath 5 that is acting as the DDP-IP gateway.
(Skip this step if the zone previously displayed is the same zone that the FastPath 5 is in.)

Setting the Macintosh IP Address
You use the Administrator's dialog box to set the IP address of your Macintosh computer. Depending on how your system was configured by the network administrator, you may have to:

Enter the full IP address. This is the case if your network administrator did not configure any part of the address.
Enter only the node number. This is the case if your network administrator configured the net (and possibly the subnet) portion of the address.
Enter nothing. This is the case if the IP address is obtained automatically from a FastPath 5 or if your network administrator defined the full IP address for your Macintosh.

Your administrator defines the method by which the IP address is set. You have 3 options:

1. Manually - If this option is selected, you fill in any part of the address on the MacTCP Control Panel. You must also fill in some or all of the fields in the IP Address box.
2. Server - If this option is selected, the IP address is assigned automatically. Leave the IP Address blank. The Macintosh queries the FastPath 5 for address information when TCP/IP services are required, and the IP address is prefilled with information returned by the network server.
3. Dynamically - If this option is selected, the node portion of the IP address is set dynamically each time the
Macintosh uses TCP/IP services. The same address is used until the Macintosh is rebooted or the hold-down timer expires. Other components of the address are predefined.


The FastPath' s configuration window and documentation call server-type addressing "dynamic addressing" and manual-type addressing "static addressing." You will know what you should fill in by the way the IP Address area looks on the Control Panel. Fill in the address using dotted-decimal notation.
Check with your network administrator if you are unsure of what to enter here. The address displayed in the IP Address box changes to reflect the node portion entered. You cannot change the information in the IP Address box directly.

Administrator's Dialog Box
The Administrator's Dialog box appears with all the fields grayed, indicating that you cannot change the information shown. Display the box as follows:


Click More to display the Administrator's dialog box.
The Administrator's dialog box is the main tool used to configure the MacTCP driver. If you have full configuration authority, the boxes are not grayed and you can change them. If your network administrator locked any of the address boxes, just the boxes that are locked appear grayed.
Note: For information about configuring the Administrator's dialog box, refer to the documentation that came with your MacTCP software.
When you finish viewing or updating the Administrator's dialog box, click OK to return to the MacTCP Control Panel. If you made changes to the Administrator's dialog box, you must restart the Macintosh for the changes to take effect.
Click OK, then close the Control Panel box. The configuration changes take effect the next time the MacTCP driver is used.

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