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FastPath PROMs

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FastPath PROMs (756587-SB97)

Product: FastPath 4 v9.1.2 K-Star FastPath 4 v9.2 K-Star
Component: N/A v
3rd Party Product(s): Release Date: Pending

The FastPath 4 can have 2 versions in the field, a FP4 and a FP4+. The FP4+ has the 5.1 PROMs in the unit. There are 2 of these PROMs and they go into slots U45 and U46. They are differentiated by an Odd and Even parameter, or a HI and LO parameter, found on the sticker on the PROM chip.

HI = U46
ODD = U46

LO = U45
EVEN = U45

If these chips are removed, you need to replace them in the appropriate slot.

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